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More bits

I've been working my way through the bits and pieces that came with the loom and spinning wheel I picked up just before Christmas.

Here's some bobbins and the two niddy noddies post-bath and before conditioning.

It's nice, soothing and repetitive work to get everything scrubbed, oiled, dried and reoiled. There's a nice sequence to it, and not a lot of planning involved (except working out when I can and can't leave things out to dry thanks to the endless storms this summer).

After a week of chipping away and this project I've cleaned, conditioned, de-rusted and done some minor repairs to a whole bunch of wooden tools. Most of these are home made and it's lovely to get them back in to useable condition. I ended up binning two bobbins but that still leaves 10(!) for this wheel to use. Interesting point - the home made bobbins lasted better than the 'professional' bobbins stamped with the wheel maker's mark!

Look at all that glowing, hydrated wood!

Even my feline supervisor was impressed.

Now that I'm comfortable in what I'm doing it's time to start working on the wheel!

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